Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why I'm Never Doing Laundry Again!

I've told you about my laundry woes before (How I wait until the last possible minute, and can never do them in the scary basement because I never have any quarters).

Well, today I purposely got cashback in quarters from the store, and I was all set for an evening of drinking, cleaning, and periodic laundry attending in the basement.

The sun was still out when I put the first load in, so I had no problem going by myself. About 10 minutes ago, I was headed to put the second load in, when (at the last minute) I asked Husband to go with me. (I tend to be a big baby when it comes to going in the poorly lit, creepy basement alone)

Well, I am so glad he agreed to be my sherpa, because we get down then and see something moving around in the back corner. We both look and realize a bat is heading right for us! We run, and hover in the stairwell, and instead of staying in the room we where in, he follows us. I run up the stairs screaming, "[expletive!expletive!expletive!]"

We inform our landlord, and she was oober thankful since she was planning on going to the basement later too.

I surrender to the fact that our clothes in the washer will need to be rewashed, since they'll get mildewy before the exterminator will get here tomorrow. that sounds rational right?

Well, apparently that's not ok for Captain Cheapskate (aka: Husband). He decides to get a tennis racquet and head down. Of course! that makes total sense. Why waste a dollar to rewash, when you could risk impending death tonight.

Fortunately, he has made it back upstairs safely. And Lumpy (that's what he named the bat), must have decided that one scare was enough for the day, because he left Husband alone.


amber said...

Yuck! I HATE bats. Although I don't know anyone that actually likes them. I would have had a friggin heart attack.

Shellbell said...


I think i did have a freakin heart attack, as well as cuss like a sailor, and wet my pants!