Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This is What I Waste My Time Thinking About on My Days Off

I've been enjoying my new sweet ride! So far I've ridden to the zoo, the library, and went to pick up sandwiches for dinner (which fit ever-so-neatly into my basket)! A woman even stopped me to ask me where I got my basket, maybe I'm setting a trend! (hey, there's a first time for everything)

I'm thinking we need to name the bike.

It's so pretty and shiny that I think it must be a girl. I suggested Jessica Fletcher, since I very distinctly remember on Murder She Wrote that Angela Lansbury's character rode a bike everywhere. However, it doesn't really roll off the tongue. (plus, I'd constantly be explaining why I named her that)

So, people of the interweb, I am yet again calling upon you for any helpful suggestions you may offer!


Rachel said...

You could shorten "Jessica Fletcher" to "Fletch." Yeah, that's my vote!

Abby said...

Something about it says "Flaming Crotch" to me. Maybe it's the excessive amounts of wine I have consumed this evening.

It's a nice bike! I am jealous! I would love to have a bike but would have nowhere to ride it.

McEngland like the McCountry said...

"Juicy Lucy" gets my vote (because she's the color of orange juice!) or maybe "Molly"