Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear Parents,

No matter what you may think, your child is not exceptional.*

And even though you might find it adorable, bad behavior is simply that, bad behavior. Encourage it at a young age, and then blame everyone else when they become satan's minions during their teenage years (especially the teachers, it's always the teachers fault).

When your child makes a mess, and you leave it, someone has to clean it up. No, it's not "typical" for a server or sales assistant to have to clean up mounds of products** off the floor. And if you're not going to pick it up yourself, the least you could do is let someone know before another customer finds it and considers the store slovenly. Beyond that, the rest of the customers did not come to the store to see your child. The don't find the screaming cute or endearing.

If you're child cannot behave at a restaurant, mall, etc, DON'T BRING THEM. Treat yourself to an afternoon alone and get a babysitter.

That is all.

With Regards,
Your Apathetic Fish

*except for MY nephew and niece, but that's just common sense
**see also: urine


amber said...

I am going to sound like a completely horrible person, but the sound of screaming children puts me on edge...

as does bad behavior in public. Seriously, for some children there is no excuse.

Everytime I witness any of the above I turn to my fiance and sarcastically claim that we need at least 8 kids.


Shellbell said...

yes! thank you amber!!

I totally get that "kids will be kids", and that's fine. It's really the parents behavior that drives me crazy.

(and you guys should TOTALLY have 8 kids:)