Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Can't We Be Friends?

I SERIOUSLY need to make some friends up here. It's been a year and my social circle could fit in a petri dish. Plus, all this sitting at home alone is causing me to watch videos from The Muppets (which, although enjoyable, really ought to be done sparingly).

Husband is great, but we both think we'd like each other more if we each had some outlet besides each other.

I have plenty of people that I am on friendly terms with, and when I am around others I have lots of fun. But still, no one's saved in my phone that I could call up at anytime for a cocktail or movie. I underestimated how hard it is to move to a new city when everyone else is already rooted. (i know, i know: pity party, table for one)

One thing I really want to do (that I think could help me meet some people) is join a book club.
I have a couple friends who are in them (in other cities). In one, they meet once a month. Everyone makes a dish, and whoever's willing to host it gets to pick the book for that month. In another friend's, they take turned making a parts of a meal that are themed around the book (honey for secret life of bee's, red foods for twilight, etc.) and when the book's done, they watch the movie. I'm not sure how I would handle watching a movie right after reading the book. I'd probably be hated, since all I'd do is point out the discrepancies.

Either way, I'd love to join one! I've been trying to all year. I even went so far as to whore myself out on a craig's list ad. I only got 2 responses, both creepers [Note to creepers: when inviting me to a bookclub, it's pretty suspicious to ask me for a photo of myself].

Even if I don't find a bookclub to join, something needs to change soon. I'm scared I'm just a couple steps away from living in my mom's basement and creating an avatar for second life (somewhat appealing since I could design myself tanner without the extra lard around my midsection).

Fortunately, the one saving grace in all this, is that my mom doesn't actually have a basement.

1 comment:

amber said...

I would love to join a book club too, but I haven't found any that I would like to join.

Too bad you didn't live in my city, we could totally start a non-creepy book club together!

Good luck!!