Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 1

Things I did right:
  • good breakfast
  • lean cuisines for lunch and dinner
  • worked-out at curves
Things I dropped the ball on:
  • Boss brought donuts to work... I had 1/2 of one
    (which is still an improvement, b/c i probably could have polished off 2-3!)
  • 17 pieces of candy corn (dammit coworkers and your treats!)
  • 1 piece of crazy bread (the small piece though)
  • didn't ride my bike to work
    (unfortunately, i was late and opted to drive. which double sucked since it costs $10 to park in the garage for the day)
Key Learnings:
Over all, not too shabby for the first day. I'm not full, but I'm definitely not hungry. The workout was good, but I am hoping to bike tomorrow.
Also, (i failed to mention yesterday) that for my "last meal" i indulged in pepperoni pizza and a milkshake. And although it's what I was craving, it was unsatisfactory and just mediocre at best.

I hope I can remember that during this time, that the bad foods I might be lusting after aren't going to be worth it, so i might as well stick it out for the month.


Husband said...

Good luck baby!!!

Drama Queen said...

Okay repeat after me " No thank you" Look at yourself in the mirrow and say 10 times "I can do this"