Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week Two In Review

(hey hey, i rhymed!)

Ok...I cheated!!!!

On Friday, Husband and I decided we REALLY needed to go out for some QT. Needless to say, I wasn't so worried about my diet, but vowed to start back first thing saturday.

Unfortunately, Saturday brought me some bad news.

It's work-related, so I won't go into too much detail on the blog, but basically I was holding out hope for something that isn't to be. I get why, but it still sucks.

I ended up being pretty bummed the whole day, and the last thing on my mind was proper nutrition... (especially where beer was concerned)

So...sometimes you fall off the wagon.

And when that happens, you have two choices. You can:
a) give up
b) try again
[i chose b]

So for Sunday, I watched what I ate*, stayed hydrated, and Husband and I went for a delightful bike ride after work.

Honestly, I don't think i had any choice. All day long i watched iron man competitors run past my window**.

The least i could do was not eat a bowl of lard while watching them...

* and even managed to turn down a piece of cake that was offered to me! a two layer, mouse filled, chocolated covered piece of heaven was held under my nose, and I said, "no thank you"
That's GOT to be progress right??? because it smelled goooooooood

**the best part was a group of spectators left a sign on the road for their runner that said, "Frank, if you finish after 7 come find us at the bar"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this week 3?