Friday, September 4, 2009

Being Poor Sucks

I know, I astound you with my wisdom. But it really and truly does. Being poor is EXHAUSTING!

I'm at a stage in my life where all my friends seem to be buying houses and starting families, and we can barely make rent (and by barely, i mean we fall short, and use our savings to pay the difference)

Beyond that we have the things we need to buy:
  • we both need new tires
  • i need contacts
  • we need to go to the dentist
  • we need to pay our bills
  • we need to pay husbands tuition and books

We can't afford these things! let alone all the things I want to buy:
  • clothes (i'm finally back at a size where I enjoy shopping!)
  • shoes (my beloved rainbows broke, and I can't afford to replace them. oh the agony!!!)
  • decent furniture (we are on pure basics here)
  • vacations (it sucks that finances are keeping us from seeing the people we love)

And as I expected, the birthday money is gone. and do i have a new camera? NO
(i did some laundry, and we went out to dinner twice. fun yes, but fleeting)

I keep telling myself to wait one more year, and we'll start to be ok. But my brain keeps responding, "A whole YEAR?!?"

And with him not working this past summer, and me getting my hours cut starting in February, I think we're screwed. Even if we make it...honestly, there's no guarantee he'll be able to find a job (esp. in this economy).

Sorry about the lack of cheery sunshine on this post. I think me being alone with my thoughts can sometimes be the wort possible way to spend a day
(and on that note, I'm going shopping! But only window know, unless I find something really, really cute ;)

I'm going to need to go ahead and apologize for this, and any post you read this month. This diet is affecting my brain, and I have no short term memory at all. Every time I sit down to write a blog, my mind goes blank. I've been trying to type this for days, but my brain can't even make sentences or use proper grammar.
lo ciento!

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