Which just
happens to be 9.09.09. Coincidence? (yeah, probably...especially since day one was on the 1st of the month)
Meals weren't really an issue, I had small meals all throughout the day. I didn't work out today, so I wasn't really hungry (more so thirsty).
Husband's been having a rough go of it lately. He's been pretty bummed all summer. Mainly because for the first time, he didn't
have a summer. Previously, he'd always had 3 months off (one of the few perks of being a teacher). And sadly this year, summer just flew by. And we didn't get so much as a decent vacation.
Anyhoo, since he's been kinda grumpy lately, i decided I would do what I could to make him feel better. (Admittedly, I had originally planned on spacing my tasks out over the 3-day weekend. However, I wound up chillaxin the first 2 days, and scrambled to get it all done today)
He has this penchant for really big calendars. He likes to have one hanging so that he can write all his deadlines on it in big, ominous red ink. His most recent one was an academic year, and has expired. I decided to surprise him with a new one! (they cost $5. clearly, i spare no expense and nothin's too good for my manz)
I head to [large office supply chain*] and go to the calendar section. Now this is they exact store I bought it from last year, so i don't forsee any issues. (foreshadowing children!) But this time, they only have calendar years, starting with either Jan2009 or Jan2010. They're both $5....
There's no point in me just buying the 2010, because that wouuld leave out a full semester of grad school. But I refuse to believe that an '09 calendar should cost the same, consider it's only 33% usable.
I find a mgr, and ask if they still carry the school year versions, and he tells me "what you see is what we have." Then, I ask if they'd be willing to offer some kind of a discount since 2/3's of the product if useless. And BEFORE I CAN FINISH MY SENTENCE, he interrupts me with a very nonchalant, '
you're not worth my time answer. Which was a variation on, "they make the prices, i can't change the prices"
Now folks, this is a manager. It's not like i asked some stock boy who hates his job, and is hiding in the corner texting his friends. This is a middle-age, responsible for the whole store, salary earning manager.
(and here's the part I don't like admitting) I used to work for this store. Different location, but all the stores are the same. I know for a fact that mgr's can change the price. We used to give 10% off just for asking, and if the product really was devalued, we would take about 20-30% off. Also, even if we couldn't do what the customer wanted, we would still have a smile on our face and try and be as pleasant as possible.
Since I knew all of this, i
really didn't appreciate his attitude towards me. So i turned around, put the calendar back along with EVERY other item in my cart (which includes: overpriced pens, an embarrassing lisa frank folder for Husband's back-to-school gag gift, and an 'as seen on tv' product that I have been wanting to try...
but am not willing to admit to you what it is)
So now, instead of knocking $2 off the price of an outdated calendar, they lost the whole sale. Plus, i don't plan on going back there anymore. AND, i've told all of you.
So HA! take that you less-than-caring manager you.
[gosh, i REALLY need to get a life. I guarantee you if i had friends, i would be out drinking right now, not whining on a blog about not saving 2 bucks]
Instead, i drove further away to a different [large office chain store]. I found a school-term calendar in the right size, but it was FIFTEEN FREAKIN DOLLARS! I
really didn't want to pay that much. But I couldn't find any '09 calendars. I wandered for awhile, and looked in clearance to no avail.
SERIOUSLY UNIVERSE??? IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS HARD!!!!I was just.so.frustrated. I had been shopping for over an hour for a CALENDAR. It had seemed like such a simple idea to begin with, and yet it was taking the better part of my day. I wanted to be done. I wanted it to be simple. I wanted....A CANDY BAR!
I become consumed by this craving. I scuttle to the check-out lane and start eyeing all the chocolatey choices. And that's when I have my [oprah endorsed] "a-ha moment. I mean, i knew i eat through my feelings. (anyone who looks at my backside could tell you that), but this is the first time i actually pinpoint the frustration with the craving. I decided, "screw it. i've had a hard day, i deserve a treat!"
But then, a lightbulb literally lit-up above me** and i remembered that i had put a fiber-filled granola bar in my purse before i left, 'just in case'. All the deliciousness, and half the calories of a twix!
I was so proud of myself, i decided to push onward. And literally, as I turned around, there they were. 2009 calendars, on sale for $3.50! So for half the price of the academic year one, i got two and it will last until decemeber 2010 (so hopefully we'll never have to go through this again).
Afterward, I continued with my "make husband feel better" chores and did ALL the laundry, washed all the dishes, and did my best to tidy the apartment before he arrived. I was like a wife from the 1950!
If only i'd worn my pearls and drank more vodka....
and ps- it did seem to cheer him up...for now :/
*i am opting to not reveal they're name here since i am going to complain about them...let's just say it's the one that doesn't have the word "office" in the name
**of course, it was merely a 15watt. I mean, we're talking about ME here. not too bright.