Monday, April 27, 2009

The Object of My Affection

There is a scene at the end of Saving Private Ryan, when Tom Hanks is about to die (but not in real life though, don't worry), and he leans over and tells Matt Damon to earn this. Meaning, that since we had to sit through a ridiculously long movie where everyone else dies and he gets to live, he needs to be worthy of it.

I am trying to earn this:

Someone who hates my waistline has brought to work the most delicate, delicious, pillowy-mound of conconut macaroons I have ever encountered.

I have already hornked down 4 of these bad boys between yesterday and today, but there are still more in the kitchen. Taunting me. Staring at me. Whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Telling me they want me to eat them so that they can be reunited with their siblings in my stomach.

I keep thinking I need to earn the last couple waist expanders... But i am not sure how:
-From working hard? (as I sit here at work typing a blog...)
-From working out? (ha!)
-OR, maybe just from knowing that I would appreciate them more than anyone else here (i don't see anyone else here taking pictures and writing love notes)

My Macaroon Haiku:

Oh, little Dumpling
of coconuty goodness
I think I'll eat two

Yes, I've officially gone crazy. Maybe all the drool I'm expelling has somehow affected the blood flow to my brain

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