Monday, June 15, 2009

When Did Bradley Cooper Become Hot?

"It's now illegal to masturbate on a plane. Thanks a lot Bin Laden"

My ab workout last night consisted of snot-laughing through The Hangover. Hands down, funniest movie of the year.

But seriously, when did Bradley Cooper become so yummy? I've seen him in other films, Wedding Crashers most memorably (as well as some others that I'd rather not admit to watching...). And while his characters were memorable, he wasn't much to look at.

The Evolution of Brad:

eww, not hot

not hot

not hot

and then, BOOM


"Sure, I'll go out with you Bradley Cooper! Well...yes, I am technically married, but for you I'm sure we could work out some kind of arrangement."

(Besides, I've had the Do-It-Yourself Divorce link saved under 'My Favorites' ever since Husband went to get ice cream TWO BLOCKS from where I work, and not only did he not bring me anything, he didn't even stop by to say hello. IF THAT'S NOT IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!!)

In short, if you haven't seen The Hangover yet, go! I haven't paid full price for a movie ticket in years, but this one was worth every penny*

*however, it is vulgar and crass...but that's my genre of choice


Anonymous said...

He's hot but gay

Shellbell said...

darn. otherwise I definitely had a chance with him ;)