Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Best Offense, is a Good Defense

I need to lose some weight...

Actually, I have. I've lost about 15 pounds and gone down a pant size (woop, woop). But that's over the course of a year. Granted I've made progress, but I would prefer go faster than a snail's speed.

This was made all the more clear when Husband announced he's lost 20 lbs this past year... (obligatory "hooray for him, blah, blah, blah). but he hasn't done a thing to cause it!

I have enjoyed working out at curves (although in sporadic regularity), and I feel great when I eat healthy... unfortunately, I also enjoy eating complete crap too :)

I think if I could nosh better, I would be seeing mad-CRAZY results! So I've decided that the best offense if a good defense.

If I stock the house with all kinds of delicious (and not horrible for my arteries) foods, then maybe I won't be so tempted to beeline to whichever fast food commercial airs on the tv.

It's time to not be apathetic...
at least as far as meals are concerned...
for a couple months at least...
well maybe just a couple days....
maybe we'll just start with dinner tonight...

God bless Apathy.

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