Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is Very Privileged Information.

Sure, some blogs give you well-thought-out legitimate recipes.
But not your apathetic fish.

Here is my recipe for chocolate peanut butter rice crispy treats

1. Take a picture of yourself looking cute in your apron

2. Notice all the scraggly hairs,
and make the smart decision to put it in a ponytail
no one wants your hair in their dessert
(...although if the follicles taste as good as they smell, then they are probably deeeeelicious)

3. Make rice crispy treats according to the usual recipe
margarine, marshmallows, melt. yadda yadda yadda.

4. during this whole time, have a cute little double boiler simmering away
i don't know why they call it double "boiler" when recipes always tell you
NOT to boil. it should be called a double gentle simmer-er

5. Inside your "cute little double gentle simmer-er"
add 2/3 of a bag of milk chocolate chips
and a generous dollop of peanut butter
Creamy not chunky. I use a reduced sugar one
since the rest of the recipe is already so sweet.

Pretty gross in it's "before" stage, eh?
But look how pretty when it's all melted together!

6. Decide that it looks soo good, you just have to take a taste.

Yum! totally worth it!

7. Once your rice crispies have started to set,
spread your delicious concoction all over it.

Normally, i would be doing this in a 9x13 pyrex dish...
but i realized it was in my car.
and it is WAAAY to cold for me to run outside to get it,
so a cookie sheet will have to do.
We'll just call it "rustic"

8. Stare at it longingly for the whole night, and try to convince yourself that the party's not worth it and you should eat it all yourself. Coworkers are overrated, right?

1 comment:

brenda Fisher said...

that looks so good I 'm probably gaining weight just looking at it!