Friday, May 21, 2010


Normally, I don't pay full price for movies. considering i'm good at finding outfits for $9, why would i willingly spend the same amount for a one-time viewing of a film?

I stumbled upon Madison's $3 theater my first summer here, before i had air conditioning. And would happily drop money to sit in a cool, temperature controlled room for 2 hours. Sure, i had to wait approx 3months later than everyone else to see a movie, but i didn't mind. It was usually a good thing, since people who watched it already could tell me if it was worth my time.

The last movies I saw in the theaters, for full price, were: The Hangover, The Proposal, and Iron Man 2.
  • The Hangover was totally worth it.
  • The Proposal, meh, i could have waited. (still cute though. god, i adore betty white!)
  • Iron Man 2, i think it was worth it. I think. It was visually fantastic. And if someone besides me would have paid, it would have totally been worth it :)
So, in general, I'm on the fence. I'm just not sure i can justify dropping nine bones for one viewing. When for twice that, i can own the dvd and watch it as many times as i want.

However! There are a couple movies this summer that i am so freaking excited about, I can barely contain myself. I'll gladly pay whatever amount they ask me to.
and there's more that i am also looking forward to, i am just willing to have patience and wait to see those.

Whoops! I may have just pee'd with excitement. note to self: wear adult diapers when sitting in the theater seats.

What summer movies are you thrilled about*?


1 comment:

amber said...

I am actually look forward to Shrek. I'm trying to talk my husband into going with me.

We don't really see a lot of movies.

I did rent The Proposal. Liked it!