Sunday, July 12, 2009

Population: 250,000 + ME

I forgot to post this last weekend, (with the holiday distraction and the parents in town); but last Saturday was our official one-year anniversary of living in Madison.

We packed only what could fit in our two cars, and sold the rest. In 4 days, we crossed 8 states and drove over 1,200 miles. The best part, we moved during the most expensive gas prices in history. I was paying $4.20 a gallon to fill my suv.

Since it was the 4th, we arrived in Wisconsin under fireworks. It was so nice of our new state to put on a show just for us!

Before living here, i couldn't even find wisconsin on a map (no, i'm not proud of that fact, but seriously do YOU know where all the states are?)

Honestly, at this point, I can't ever picture leaving. I adore Madison. I could definitely see myself settling down here (sorry family! I know you'd like it if I lived closer, but you could move here too!)

So cheer's to you Madison, I think you're stuck with me for awhile!!!

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