Friday, July 31, 2009

Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

Once, when I was a young co-ed, I was behind a guy in the check-out line of the student union cafeteria.

He was holding two trays of food, and the cashier was well into the $20 category and was still ringing up items.

"That will be $26.50," she annouced.

"And," The guys explains, "I have a banana in my pocket."


I was so excited! Never before had a punchline presented itself to me in such a lovely package*! I almost started hyperventilating with the excitement of getting to say the big finale. But then I started to think...

Do I add a "ba dum bum", or do I just say it?

I pondered that for awhile, decided to go sans badumbum, and opened my mouth to deliver the line. However, instead of hilarity coming out, a sandwich went in.

Somehow, while I had spent too much time thinking about it, he had left, I had paid, and I was already sitting down eating.

Crap! talk about lack of comic timing.

Ah well, at least the sandwich was good.


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