Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome to my neuroses.

preface: when you don't have a job, your mind power is wasted on useless things...but who am i kidding, i'd be obsessing about this even if i was employed.

I've been very confused recently.
You see, the pictures i've been posting haven't looked quite right to me lately.

like yesterday's:
I know for a fact i was in the driver's seat, and it was not a british car.
but the seatbelt placement looks like i was a passenger.

and this dress:
my self portrait made me paranoid.
i thought, "bloody hell, did i put the dress on backwards??!??!"

so, my crazy mind obsesses about these weird circumstances, and the fact that i might not be capable of dressing myself. and then i realized:

this is my super old phone (which i love, btw)

it has a neat feature that you can use the front screen for self portraits.
which i do. all.the.time.
(that's what solidarity does to you; makes you an expert in narcissism)

i didn't realize that, on self-portrait mode, it reverses the image.
but now that i know, i can rest easy.
i'm still capable of dressing myself...
sort of.

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