Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'd love to post pictures from this past weekend,

but i am sans camera, and all i have are the most random compilation of cell phone pictures known to man. Perhaps my family can email me some, asap? (hint! hint!)

nevertheless, here you go. this is what i have, and you'll LIKE it, dammit:
really shellbell? you're with your entire family for the first time in months, and this is the first picture you take of the weekend? oh how i cheated on my diet... :(

all purtified for my cousin's wedding. super proud that i went from swimming pool-dirty to squeaky clean-ready in 30 min.

this is a portrait my nephew took of my brother. yep.

brother, brother's wife, and the best niece ever. and also, a gallon of water.

my niece is the smartest and prettiest.

this has nothing to do with the weekend. this is just a delicious salad i made for lunch today. it was so yummy, it deserved some spotlight.

Yeah, i'm thinking i really need my family to email me some pics. because as entertaining as these pictures are, i really don't think they tell a proper story of how great the weekend was.


Lisa said...

Cell phone haze aside, that photo of you is gorgeous!

Abby said...

Great pic! That's awesome that you went to your cousin's wedding naked!