Thursday, June 3, 2010

I have 3 weddings to attend this summer.

And i won't be seeing the same people at any of them, so i decided to get one fabulous dress and wear it three times.

When i was home last month, my mom and i went shopping and found this.
i love it.
I've already worn it to one wedding, and it was a big hit.
i beyond love it.

The hardest part is waiting to wear it again. I want to put it on just to prance around my house. but with my track record of clumsiness, there is zero doubt in my mind that i would ruin it.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the shoes.


Abby said...

Too cute! When does Ann Taylor Loft not come through for a woman approaching her 30's?

I want it!

Shellbell said...

GRRRR. Young Lady, i have a full 3 years and 2 months before i "approach" my 30's. i am still very, VERY much in my 20's. (at least that's what i tell myself:)
I would be out for blood if you weren't all cute and preggers. Good thing barland saved your ass.

Abby said...

You're a youngun!! I am going to be freaking 29 this year. So not fair!