Monday, November 23, 2009

A Minty-Fresh Facial

Without going into much detail, I can tell you that these last two months have been really, really difficult for me. My stress level is at about a million percent.

Unfortunately, my face has chosen to provide a visual reaction the the inner turmoil that I am currently suffering from.

I am breaking out. Like crazy.

My face has gone back in time by a decade, and I am a 14 year old zit factory...*

Last Saturday night, I finally got a good look at myself in the mirror, and realized that there were a good 5 spots in my gorgeous mug that needed some serious attention.

After scrubbing my pimples to a brilliant shine, I chose to remember something I had read years ago in a teen magazine:
"putting a dab of toothpaste on a pesky zit before bed will zap it gone by the time you wake up"**

I have no idea why this thought came to me, but my immediate reaction was, "Brilliant!"

I proceeded to dot globs of toothpaste on segments of my face, until I was a festive polka dot pattern. And I went to bed eager to see the amazing difference that would be waiting for me in the morning.

I woke up, and showered off the toothpaste and excitedly looked in the mirror to see the results.

Sure, it had dried out the 'problem areas'... but everywhere the toothpaste had touch was now bright red.

There were 5 very large glaring red spots on my face. And no amount of moisturizer or makeup was helping them go away. I'm not sure if this happens to most people, or if it only showed up on me because of my lack of epidermis pigmentation, but i looked ridiculous.

Worse than that, i look diseased. This was 2 days ago, and they're still there. Smaller, drier, and redder than before. I can't decide if I look like i have chicken pox, or facial herpes. It's a toss up, but neither one is a good option.

So tonight, I will use the facial mask i have sworn by since my 18-year old sorority days.

Queen Helene's Mint Julip Mask

only $5 at walgreens.
you can keep your kiehl's, thank you.
(ok, that's not entirely true. I would LOVE some kiehl's products, but will never be able to afford it. However, feel free to donate some to me at any time)

*eww. that's gross, my bad
**or something like that. I'm trying to write like a teenager... it doesn't work. Kids today, geez. turn down your music and pull-up your pants! (or you know, whatever they do that's annoying now)


amber said...

the toothpaste thing never worked for me.

Sorry you have been stressed out!

Anonymous said...

I love that Mint Julep masque! I swear by it too!

McEngland like the McCountry said...

Queen Helene's is a fabulous product and much better than the expensive department store skin care... Another product that is very inexpensive but works much better than the department store...St. Ives apricot scrub. Every chick should have a container of both in her bag o' tricks.