Thursday, April 7, 2011

To trim or not to trim?

last November, i decided to throw caution to the wind, get a little bit naughty, and get BANGS!

that's right, legitimate, honest to gosh, bangs. the kind i hadn't rocked since i was 12.

i had thought about it for a while, and i decided that since i could embrace skinny leg jeans, why not go all in and embrace bangs too.

I've been home-trimming them for awhile now, but they're back to that awkward over-the-eyes stage.
And i'm not certain that i want them to be a permanent fixture in my life. They've been lots of fun, but I can't decide if i want to trim or grow.

So interwebs, what's the answer?
let's not take into account the fact that i am obviously heftier in the current photos. I'm working on it! it's alot easier to gain weight than it is to lose it, who knew?
before bangs:
with bangs:

current, side swept bangs:

Alright people, you be the judge!


brenda Fisher said...

grow them out

McEngland like the McCountry said...

The bangs are super cute BUT it's about to get warm which means that you're about to get sweaty. Bangs could wick sweat and oil to your forehead and make said forehead breakout.

amber said...

You look cute both ways!

I like the no bang look for summer though!

Jessica said...

Alright Shelly,

I also went through a similar experience -- I though, when I first got my bangs, cut them with a friend one late night without any premeditation at all! Still, I did love them for a time. I had them for a couple of years, really!

Finally, I decided to let them grow out. It's annoying, I know! Growing bangs out sucks! I do though agree with the summer coming up comments! It's nice to be able to pull my hair back into a pony tail without bangs all over the place. I say, grow them out for now. You can always trim them up come winter!!


p.s. Can't wait for Sarah's wedding!!