Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things I Hate

  • People who call frozen yogurt Fro-Yo
  • Actors who try to have singing careers
  • Babies with earrings
  • People who wear socks with sandals
  • Anyone who takes Valentine's day seriously
  • The smell of fish cooking
  • People who say irregardless
  • Strangers who smoke next to you
  • Muzak
  • 6am construction


Abby said...

Hey now - sometimes on a drunken night in the dorm you just didn't have the coordination or the urinary continence to take the socks off before putting on the bathroom sandals...BACK OFF!! ;)

Rachel said...

I almost got into a fight last year at a Foo Fighters concert when the guy beside me was smoking inside the NO SMOKING VENUE. Grr.