Sunday, December 13, 2009

Knowledge is Power

Ok. I have gotten quite a few emails from people who wanted to comment on a post, but couldn't figure out how.

Here is my handy-dandy instructional guide:
for those of you who already know how, this post is useless to you. Just use it as an opportunity to observe my awesome instructional skills.
  1. click on the comment link, located on the bottom-right corner of each post
  2. You have now entered the enchanting, comment page.

  3. you can type your ingenious, witty banter in the box on the top-left side
  4. You may be prompted to retype the characters you see floating in a box. Don't fret, just retype them underneath. (This helps keep all the spammy-spammers away)

  5. Underneath the box, you will see a section called "choose an identity".
  6. Select the button next to Name/URL

  7. Type your name (skip the URL part)
  8. Then click on the orange box, "Publish Your Comment"
  9. And viola! you're done!
It is important/helpful that you provide a name. It could even be a pseudonym. I mean, if you want to comment as "spanky the sarcastic zygote", well then more power to you. As long as you're consistent. All i ask is that you don't post as anonymous. It's annoying. [Read: mom, stop posting as anonymous]

So, bring on the love (and hate) mail! It's always nice to get feedback. Good luck, and god speed. And, if all else fails, feel free to keep contacting me in anyway you see fit!


Anonymous said...

thanks, i need all the help i can get!

Brenda said...

Whoops, just want to get it right!

Shellbell said...

haha. actually brenda, you were the 6th person that told me how confusing it was :)

amber said...

So that's how it's done. . .